





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

Four years ago while stationed at Ft Bragg, NC the Army told me "Pack your bags! You're going to Alaska."

I was furious. I loved everything about where I was. The sun, the beach, the sweet tea... But, its a hard fight to win. So I did as I was told, and my wife and I packed all our belongings into our compact car and began our 5,600 mile drive to Alaska.

That journey has yet to end. Since day one when we had not a dime left from the drive we were out exploring everything the greatest state had to offer.

Its been four years and I'm ashamed to admit that aside from a few trips to Talkeetna, Valdez and Glenallen, we have barely even been past the Kenai peninsula. But in that time we have covered thousands of miles of roads, trails, rivers and uncharted wilderness.

My portfolio contains the best images from our epic journey, and a few from other places in this awesome world. I hope you enjoy what I have to offer.

Be sure to check out my website for more photos @

Artist Highlights