







Artist Bio

Self Portrait

I am a healthy 41 years of age male born and raised in Lima, Peru. I am father of an amazing 11 year-old boy named Sebastian whom I love with my entire being. I love nature and wildlife, I also enjoy exercising, like swimming, running, bike riding and weight lifting. I also enjoy board games, particularly Chess. I love life and everything that have to do with it, friends, family, work, finances, problems, sadness, stress, spirituality, the mind, and any of the so called "challenges" that every human faces in life since the minute we're conceived. One of my traits is Art. I love everything about art, art history, creation of art, composition, colors, interacting with other artists, art collection, art marketing, art teaching, art curating. And I understand that art is everywhere, it has always existed from the very begining of everything, and it will always exists. So Art Is..

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