





Artist Bio

Self Portrait


Richard is a self taught artist. Even though he has never studied art in an academic setting, the private training he has taken have allowed him the freedom and independence to develop his own unique style of art.

He first emerged as a serious artist in early 2001, creating what he termed “Computer Parts Art”, receiving numerous awards in art competitions. In 2007, he transitioned into a broader area of this medium, making use of the full spectrum of found objects and now has a distinctive approach to Assemblage art, which has also received numerous awards in local art competitions.

Richard believes making art from found objects allows his imagination to expand and flourish. He enjoys bringing otherwise unrelated objects together, using paint to unify and transform them, giving them new life as a now singular entity and unique work of art. He thoroughly enjoys the process of creating art which ranges from deep feelings to fun. His objective is to give his art the ability to evoke emotion from the viewer.

Statement: As an artist, I find that my imagination is challenged the most when creating art from Found Objects. When these unrelated items are assembled together and joined by various substances, methods, constructs and Acrylic paint, they take on a new existence as art.

After becoming obsolete, worn out, broken or outliving their intended usefulness, I give these objects a fresh purpose and meaning, by combining them together, forming a different entity, translating them into something totally new, with a now singular identity, united in a new-found life and feeling.

Art has always been a part of my life, including creative model building, drawing and painting in my youth, to an award winning Fine Woodworker for most of my adult life. My ‘working career’ for 30 years as a Computer Systems Analyst / Programmer utilized my creative ability in the development of software systems (producing something new in the world). Now retired from the obligatory ‘Career’, I am free to spend my time being that which I cannot otherwise refrain from being. An Artist. Making Art is not what I do, rather, Being an Artist is who I am.

My primary goal is to enjoy my life as an artist. Some of my art will be fanciful and fun and some emotional and stirring. My objective is to give my art ‘soul’, which will evoke feelings on the part of the viewer.

Why the H? My middle name is my Father's first name. He was an artist and a writer who did not develop his talents fully and did not identify himself with these designations. My creative and artistic talents come from him and I honor his name, memory and unfulfilled artistic capacity, by including the middle initial in my name as an artist.

Richard H. Freund

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