Hi my name is Jacqueline AKA (zazousemoon) or Zaz for short, i am a self taught artist in all medias i use.
Last year i was new to the art of spraypainting and watercolors, but feel i have achieved alot in one year i have been painting with these new medias.
This year i am learning how to do digital painting it is a very intresting media if that is what you call it, i have already learned soo much& find it rather easy but very time consuming once i got started, much like the traditional way of painting with brushes as i have done for years.
learning to do this type of painting has given me an insite to a new type of art, as with any new type of painting it will take time for it to be accepted as a true form of art, the way i see it people purchase archivable prints on canvas of artist works, that are done with the triditonal methods and you can have archivable prints done with your digital works also.
drop in & take a look at my web site & sign my guest book so i will know you were there. hope you enjoy my works as much as i have enjoyed painting them.ZAZ
All my works have been embeded with digital watermarks.If you would like to use an image just ask.If we have an agreement on one i can send you a file without the mark, this would be for personal use only.
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ArtWanted.com Gallery: Art/Drawing Misc.