






Portfolio Blog

30 Jan, 2008

Ok..I was planning to have work up by tomorrow. Due to the miserable flu bug, last week, I am a little behind schedule. Stay tuned...


03 Jan, 2008

I was reflecting back to college days. I miss classes and all the excitement, I was so in my element. Always around a crowd of fellow artists to learn, communicate ect. I do not miss the crunch time of exams. I love stopping by and seeing what others are working on around here, watching their work change. I am anxious to get my work completed for view.


12 Dec, 2007

Not sure when the paintings will be completed. I have had a long pause with holidays and such. I wanted to have them done by now. Looks like sometime January or such. I find it hard to always be in a painting mood. So many other distractions. I am very happy that one of my works made it to one of the calendars this year. I think that makes 3 calendars in consecutive order for me. Also, a delight to know I did not need to pre-order to get it in the calendar. Thanks AW!


11 Nov, 2007

Yes, you read right! Presently on the work of new paintings.


07 Oct, 2007

Finally, made a stop by AW tonight. The children have been keeping me very busy. Seems I use my creativity now with a computer. I have put my brushes and paint to the side for a moment. Now and again I reflect back to my paintings, thinking about them. I have a feeling when I pick up the painting again, my paintings will be somewhat different. I think my break is exacttly what I needed to process life and view my work differently.


13 Jul, 2007

I wanted to stop by and say hello to my fellow friends, artists, hope all of you are well.


12 Apr, 2007

Hi everyone! Hmmm, just found out emails were not being recieved around here. I have been trying to learn new software while at home. I must say I am understanding it more and more I create layouts with it. I miss painting though. I am thinking the first thing for me to to do as a project when I go back to spending time with my art is to paint a huge painting for my house. Something with no rules other than pleasing only what I think will make me happy.


29 Mar, 2007

Hi, everyone. Thanks to your comments. I am strategically planning a come back at a later time with new work.


08 Mar, 2007

Presently on leave with the family. I must say I am enjoying watching my children grow. I am also taking advantage of keeping my creativity on paper with ideas for future endeavors. i will probably be overwhelmed with ideas, not knowing where to begin.
