






Portfolio Blog

28 May, 2021

I have always enjoyed taking photographs and drawing. Of the two, though, I did more with drawing than I ever did with taking pictures. I've never had any formal training in either subject. My studies in drawing and painting are limited to 3 semesters in high school and what qualified for art classes in middle school and elementary school. Since 1995 I have sold 10 drawings as I had never considered doing it for money.

As far as I can remember, I have always had a camera since I was 12. It started out with a Kodak Disk 4000 and an Instant Polaroid. Over the decades there have been several others, but never anything too high scale. In 1995, when I graduated from college I received a Canon Z135 and from there I had some low-scale digital cameras that were never as good, but saved me from buying film and having it developed. Last year I moved up to the Canon Rebel t6 with a few different lenses. All of this, and the infamous year of 2020 and its pandemic. gave me the opportunity to practice more with the camera and lenses.

That brings me to today, and deciding to try my own webpage and see what happens with offering my artwork and my photographs for sale or prints. A phrase I remember from my French classes sums it all up, "Qui ne risque rien n'a rien." (Nothing ventured, nothing gained)
