Contest Closed: This contest has ended and you can view all the entries below. They are sorted from highest rated to lowest as voted by our members.

Congratulations to our Top 3 Entries: Ivo Depauw,John Enright,sue lamarr

Also, don't forget to visit the portfolio's of these artists by clicking on their name.
14 January, 2019
  • Staff

THEME: World Culture

DESCRIPTION: The topic for this contest is WORLD CULTURE. We live in a wonderful world and each country has it's own history, landscapes, traditions and culture. For this contest, submit any artwork you have done that conveys World Culture. Either for your own country, or for another place in the world you may have visited. Lets show off the great culture this world has to offer. All mediums are accepted (except photography) for this contest.

VOTING STARTS: 28-Jan-2019

PRIZES: Everyone that submits an art contest entry wins more exposure to your artwork and kudos from your fellow art friends. The top voted winner of this contest will receive $10 in ArtWanted cash to be used for any product or service on our website.

RULES: Only one entry per person. Only artwork can be submitted for this contest, no photographs please.

HOW TO ENTER: Reply to this message and attach your contest entry image to your message. Your contest entry will be hidden until voting starts. Good luck!


30 Contest Entries

Ivo Depauw 15 Jan 2019

Durbuy: the smallest Belgian town With some 11.000 inhabitants you may not call Durbuy a village, it's the smallest Belgian town. A very touristic medieval town with narrow streets and alleys, completely paved with cobble-stones. Ladies wearing high-heeled stiletto-shoes will know what this means. Image size: 260 x 360 mm

John Enright 16 Jan 2019

I welcome this opportunity to share works of art that reflect a global presence and one of humanity and concern for people. The children are our future... our investment and should be treasured more than diamonds.

sue lamarr 15 Jan 2019

There is beauty everywhere, we only have to open our eyes to see. This painting is a mixed media of a beautiful African woman in a lovely headdress.

Joeri Van Royen 23 Jan 2019

Ingrid Stiehler 15 Jan 2019

...our planet is colourful - different cultures and religions are the engine of living rules, producing the law to live together. In peace and war they need each other, to evolve for e better live...

Kevin Anderson 24 Jan 2019

'Wolf Shawl-dancer' - Traditional indigenous dancer complete with eagle fan and regalia

Elena Sokolova 15 Jan 2019

Lacemaker, oil, canvas, 40 cm x 50 cm

Anton Nichols 15 Jan 2019

Its a different world when water jugs are an essential commodity to carry water back home when running water is not a part of infrastructure ina culture.

cervantes wu 16 Jan 2019

on my motorbike journey in Chiangmai, Thailand, I noticed this Buddha covered with the old tree roots.

Aila Kajan 24 Jan 2019

Nicky Chiarello 15 Jan 2019

Miro Gradinscak 16 Jan 2019

First Civilization Drawing - Graphite pencils on paper

B a r b a r a Schneider 15 Jan 2019

"Our wolrdculture(s)" Textile Sculpture 4 blocks / Art 4Kids

Abhishek Rammohan 24 Jan 2019

This pen sketch shows the Pongal festival in South India. 'Pongal', meaning 'boiling over', is celebrated to mark the first harvest of paddy. It is also the sweetened rice dish ritually consumed on this day.

The pongal dish is traditionally cooked outdoors before sunrise.

Dan Ault 18 Jan 2019

Title: Vendors on the Tonal Sap Size: 14" X 20" Medium: Watercolor

Joseph Barbara 15 Jan 2019

Acrylic on canvas Prismatic painting depicting 2 fishermen pulling in their 'dghajsa' ( traditional Maltese boat ), after a day fishing.

ALexey Mikulin 25 Jan 2019

Installation: Far East, plasticine, cardboard, 70x50x20 cm

gerard bahon 15 Jan 2019

Woman wearing the typical Breton dress and headdress .

Clifton DeMeco 20 Jan 2019

helene ruiz 26 Jan 2019

My entry for World Culture contest, Urban Territory cr Helene Ruiz acrylic on canvas 2014

More contest entries on the next page...