• Terry Harris
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  • Added 18 Jun 2008
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Boy At The Beach

I saw a little boy at the lake I was at last weekend. He had beautiful curly brown hair that bounced & blew in the breeze as he laughed and played in the edge of the water. He was a child that makes one smile with joy at his sheer beauty and antics. His delights in exploring the water, sand and little shells was contagious so that all around were soon smiling with him. He was treasure found on the beach as wonderful as finding a rare shell, a lovely bit of polished glass. A beautiful summer memory to savory, a glimpse back to days when we were all so young and full of innocence & easy smiles & giggles. This is for Angelo, who was sent to the angels to sing, who would have looked so much as this little boy does. He didn't get to stay & play on earth, he was needed to fill the heavens with smiles. I saw this boy right after thinking of you, so you brought me a bittersweet smile. You'd have been about his age now. I wonder if there was a boy there now or not, or just a wish. Heaven shines on your sweet face now forever,our Summers baby that was too impatient to be born & fly on to the angels. You will always be missed and loved grandson.


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Diane Duran 05 Oct 2008

God bless you! His spirit was with you I am sure while you painted he embracedd your love. I enjoy those colors in your waves. So refreshing! Can you send me a tip on how you got the multi-colors to shine through the water and waves? want to learn.

Artist Reply: Thank you Diane! I take a lot of photos of water with light reflecting and now of waves & ripples. I try to tackle learning new skills by studying works I like and looking at what they did that I liked. I also check out local library books or buy books on how to, such as lighting effects. WHen I worked on this painting, I kept an enlarged photo next to me and split screen my monitor so I could look at an enlarged area as i painted it. I lightened up areas, and darkeded some, and used many values that blend well. Since this is a digital painting i can use the art program tools like brushes that glow and lighten the areas I want to add more realistic water reflection. Sometimes you can get this in photo editing programs. Still learning here, but will keep studying. I collect reference for files when I see them in magazines, so that when I want to work on something in particular I look through my files references, & photo stocks. I am one that needs to see things to get it right. So say if I were to paint tulips, I look through my own photos of tulips, go buy or pick some, or look at paintings of tulips on line until I figure out what I want to do with the color, the composition, and lighting. I save my work in image files as I digitally paint and try out multiple ways to get the results I want. Sometimes it means I stop working a few days or weeks or more & return back to it later to review what I did to see it with fresh eyes.

Jon Bidwell 15 Jul 2008


Artist Reply: Thank you Jon! Children at the beach are ones that I love to see and I want to work on more. WHen I see them, so many memories come back to me of family and friends at the water. Good times, great fun, treasure memories.

AVE HURLEY 20 Jun 2008


Artist Reply: Thank you Ave! Water scenes used to intimidae me so much! I have been working on them the last two years to improve and do better.

Hui Zhu 20 Jun 2008

W*o*W love your work !!!

Artist Reply: Thank you Hui! I am taking many photos of waves, beaches & water movement to study it. It helps me when I plan out a work if i understand how water reats, bubbles, foms, reflect, etc. More water works to come.

debbie collier 19 Jun 2008

Awesome work!!

Artist Reply: Thank you Debbie so much! I love the beach and waves, and hope to do more scenes in the future.