06 September, 2016
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

Give us your Art Contest Ideas

For the last two months, we have been posting weekly art contests for our members to participate in. Each contest has a specific theme, so every contest is unique. We have a bunch of ideas for future contest themes, but we also want to hear from you!

Please reply to this post with your ideas for future art contest themes. We will be checking this message thread on a regular basis, so you can always return to this message and post any idea you have for an art contest.

We look forward to hearing your ideas!



Adelle John 06 Sep 2016

For those of us with stylus and divital programs I would to somehow do some group art and maybe a o tedt between teams and I could be a ariety of TEAM rrlated themes. Not so much a contest but a njce activity would be site wide group ollage. Much like the Aids Quilt.

Yury Yanin 08 Sep 2016

Unfortunately I have to wright again that it is just crazy to have so many categories in the message board chapter in the situation of the current low activity of AW members. There is a special thread in the category "General discussion" named "Contests". I described a few of my ideas about contests there, should I rewright it here? Are you sure that AW have so many active members, who will write and rewright the same posts into all many categories of the anoncement/discussion/message board? As far in both threads (here and in the "General discussion") participate AW staff and 3 AW members only.

ArtWanted.com Staff 08 Sep 2016

Yury, we haven't forgotten about your feedback. We are actually in the middle of making preparations to combine many of our message board categories. We expect that by the end of this month, we will be making those changes to the message boards.

Yury Yanin 09 Sep 2016

Looking forward...

OK I'll remind some of my ideas shortly:

1. There can be juried contests, with jurors, appointed from AW stuff or AW experienced and educated member artists.

.2. On some art sites they allow artists members to start and sometimes even jury contests by themselves.

3. I also think that collectors, customers, visitors, guests and other would be buyers could start contests for themselves : describe what art do you want, look at art offered or specialy created for you by AW members and buy what you like - here is thw winner and the price.

ArtWanted.com Staff 14 Sep 2016

Thanks for your feedback, keep it coming!

Andrea Varhol 14 Sep 2016

Dear ArtWanted,

Looking around here on ArtWanted you can see immense amount of beautiful and unique art works, each and every one distinct in medium, size or technique.. Thinking of art contests, I believe that, the selected theme should envelope as much artists as possible.. Maybe my ideas are old school but how about:

-Composition ( has to be right, right :)? whether it is a photo, landscape or portrait ) -Detail (some people work years on little drawing) -Emotion ( that's true art ) -Use of colours (some people around here are masters in it) -Structure (world around us is full of them)

Thank you for your time andrea

Keith Mears 16 Sep 2016

Create a category for those of us that are doing the Coloring Books ! Both wax crayon , map pencil and jell pen !

Keith Mears 16 Sep 2016

Create a category for those of us that are doing the Coloring Books ! Both wax crayon , map pencil and jell pen !

Gerald Van Scyoc 17 Sep 2016

Surreal art!

Elizabeth Eliuk 19 Sep 2016

I saw the suggestion on colouring book art. And I'm sorry to have to say this butI refuse to acknowledge colouring books or colouring within the lines as art. And I believe a distinction needs to be made to that point. There is nothing original in colouring book renditions. And why should that clutter a site with works of art that are entirely or should be original. Colouring books are therapeutical and that is the category in which they should remain. I believe it was Picasso who once said and I quote, "every man is creative, but not every man is an artist!" Please keep the colouring books off this site and keep them where they belong! On the WalMart craft section shelves! Thanks.

Joanie Holliday 03 Oct 2016

Seascapes in paintings would be terffic. One of my favorites to paint. Especially in oil but other media's too.

Jerry Coppo 09 Dec 2016

how about a contest for doing a reproduction of a famous painting or drawing?

ArtWanted.com Staff 27 Dec 2016

We have just posted two new art contests from the ideas submitted on this thread, keep them coming! Thanks.

Liz Jennings 22 Jan 2017


Loving the contests - I would like to suggest a contest for 3D Artists - possibly human form in any medium


Liz Jennings 27 Mar 2017

How about something in 3 dimension (NOT Digital) - any sculptural technique and medium - showing the human form. What do you think?

Sigridur Bachmann 26 Apr 2017

Photography digital .... It is getting so many doing this Art form ? send a sample her with ....

ArtWanted.com Staff 28 Apr 2017

This week we posted two new at contests, including a sculpture contest, which was recently requested. Keep the suggestions coming!

Yury Yanin 02 May 2017

I suggest a contest "our home cities, towns or villages". And may be to allow more then one entry per member (up to 3 entries for example). I hope to see a lot of beauyiful landscapes/cityscapes from all over the world.

Evonne Bishop 28 May 2017

Seascapes Waterfallls Portraits of famous people Mixed media paintings Textured paintings Vineyard scenes Clouds in sunsets Flowers & grapes with water droplets

Liz Jennings 28 May 2017

Hi - I am a Brit but I am lucky enough to live on the wonderful Greek Island of Kalymnos (If you would like to see my adopted home see my Facebook page Greek Island Painting Trips) which made me think that we could maybe use "In my backyard' or "My hometown' or "A view form my window' as a theme.

Although I value good photography, on this occasion, could there be 2 contests running concurrently - one for paint, pastel, charcoal, pencil etc and another for photographic art (maybe including digital art) so we are judged more like for like.

I think it would be very interesting to see the winners posted together.

This discussion continues on the next page...